1 min read

The power to Forget

"Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence."
   Sholem Asch (1880 - 1957)

Yesterday afternoon I complained, during a conversation with my co-workers, that no matter what I do, I keep on remembering things that I don't necessarily want to remember or should remember.

My efforts to find a way to forget have so far resulted in a patented method of boxing the memories and pushing them to the dark depths of my mind, where they lie untouched as in an attic or a basement, until some thing like a stray thought of someone prompted by a smell in the air suddenly wakes one of them so they pop up from the box and punch me in the face, leaving me in pain and with bitter, metallic taste of blood in my mouth. All metaphorically, of course.

My silent prayer to be able to forget more memories and more permanently has been answered this morning. Scientists in America have found a way of erasing mice memory.
If they can do this to them, they should be able to do it to me, shouldn't they? Finally!

The day seems so much brighter now!
